75 F
Monday, March 3, 2025

The Community Journal announces The #CommunityFirst Initiative

The Community Journal is sponsoring a T-shirt fundraiser to benefit the Walker County Children’s Advocacy Center as a kickoff for its #communityfirst initiative.

The fundraiser features a T-shirt with the phrase “People First, Always” on the front with #communityfirst, along with logos for TCJ and the WCCAC, on the back. Shirts can be purchased at shopgotees.com/thecommunityjournal. The cost is $23.

“As a part of our vision for The Community Journal, serving our community is one of the reasons we exist,” said James Phillips, co-founder of TCJ. “Service sometimes means giving, so this is one way we have chosen to give.”

The #communityfirst initiative officially kicks off with the fundraiser. The Community Journal has already announced it will not be charging for obituaries placed on its platform. The news outlet is also announcing flyers from nonprofit organizations will be posted to its Facebook and Instagram pages. The TCJ website, community-journal.com, will also start releasing a Pet of the Week from the Greater Birmingham Humane Society’s Jasper location with that also being shared on social media.

Another piece of the initiative includes posting of free birthdays, anniversaries, engagements and weddings to our social media pages.

“Sharing memories and precious moments are a throwback to how small town news operated decades ago,” Phillips said. “That’s the balance we are trying to find at The Community Journal. We want to give our audience the comfort of yesteryear with the lightning fast technology of today.”

Jeffery Winborne, co-founder of TCJ, said he expects #communityfirst to be an organic concept.

“As the community changes, this initiative will change,” he said. “We want to to always know the pulse of our community so that we can best serve it.”

The Community Journal
The Community Journalhttp://www.community-journal.com
The Community Journal consists of staff and volunteer writers working to be the eyes and ears of Walker County residents.

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