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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

BSCC reopening dual enrollment scholarship application

Bevill State Community College has announced the application process for the Dual Enrollment Scholarship will reopen for the 2023 Spring and Summer Semesters.

The application will be available for Career Technical, STEM, and General Academic courses. Students using the scholarship in the Fall will NOT need to re-apply. This is an application opportunity for new students that currently do not have the scholarship and want to take courses in the Spring and Summer Semesters. Students who received the scholarship in the Fall can change their program of study for the 2023 Spring Semester without having to apply again for the scholarship. Enrollment in some courses may be limited due to available space. 

The Bevill State Dual Enrollment Scholarship application will reopen on Monday, Oct. 3, 2022, and will close on Friday, Nov. 4, 2022.The application can be found at www.BSCC.edu/DualEnrollmentScholarship. Letters of scholarship award will be sent prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. This will allow recipients ample time to register for the 2023 Spring Semester.

Applicants applying for the Dual Enrollment Scholarship must meet High School Admission requirements, have a minimum 2.5 High School GPA, and complete the Dual Enrollment Authorization Form. Applicants must be admitted to Bevill State by completing an Application for Admission.   

The scholarship will cover tuition, fees, and required books for 2 courses per semester. Career Technical students are required to enroll in at least one Career Technical course associated with their chosen program of study. If a Career Technical student chooses to take one academic course with a CTE course, it must be included in the selected program of study. General Academic students are not required to take a Career Technical Course. The scholarship will cover up to 2 eligible courses for these students.  

Scholarships will be dependent upon available funding. Program admission is contingent upon classroom/lab space.

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