A power outage in downtown Jasper Tuesday night couldn’t dampen the mood at a ceremony celebrating the swearing in of newly-elected Rep. Matt Woods, who now serves District 13 in the Alabama House of Representatives.
Woods, joined on stage by his wife, Brandi, and daughter, Camden, was sworn in by Circuit Judge Joeletta Barrentine. After being sworn in, Woods had a few words for citizens in the district and all of Walker County.
“We are going to work very hard for all of you to do good things for the State of Alabama,” Woods said. “I look around this room, and each one of you mean so much to me.”
Woods said the one-year of campaigning was new for him.
“Our community is worth the effort, and our future is worth the effort,” he said. “I make no promises but to work hard, to be involved in issues that will move our county and our state forward, and to listen and work with you to provide conservative, common sense solutions to the problems that we face.”
Before Woods was sworn in, Alabama Senate President Pro Tem Greg Reed spoke briefly. It was halfway through his sores v
“It’s going to be my privilege to work with Matt, alongside him, to produce what is going to be a continued focus on all things important to growth and opportunity for Walker County.”
Woods said the main focus of the ceremony was to thank his supporters.
“There were so many people who worked so very hard on our campaign that I can’t thank them enough,” Woods said.