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Sunday, March 9, 2025

The futility of worry

By Patrick Morrison, minister of Curry Church of Christ

“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Matthew 6:34

Don’t worry. Don’t be anxious. Don’t be afraid. Great advice, right? We often throw out such advice to the one who is struggling with worry, anxiety, or fear. It’s easy to offer the advice when you are not the one who may need to hear it. Put yourself on the receiving end. How well do we tend to take this advice when we are struggling with worry, anxiety, and/or fear? 

I know we are likely thinking, “Easier said than done. Would you not worry, be anxious, or be afraid if you were in my shoes?” Have you ever noticed how often God seeks to calm our troubled hearts? He tells us that we do not need to worry. He tells us that we have no need to be anxious. He tells us not to be afraid. But he doesn’t just throw the advice out there and leave it at that. He tells us why we don’t need to worry, or be anxious, or be afraid. 

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us not to worry, because worry is futile. We can’t worry ourselves into adding days to our lives, height to our stature, money into our bank account, or any other such thing over which we often worry (Matthew 6:27-28). He teaches us that worry often reached over into tomorrow to bring its problems into today, as if we don’t have enough to deal with now (Matthew 6:34).

Much of what we fear is what lies in the unknown morrow. And much of our worry, anxiety, and fear stems from our weaknesses and inabilities. Our focus is in the wrong place! The answer to worry, anxiety, and fear is Jesus. But wait, you are a follower of Jesus and still struggle with these things? Me, too! 

I believe the better answer is that Jesus is the answer today. And if God blesses me with a new tomorrow that becomes today, Jesus will be the answer again today. Do you worry that you can’t live a faithful Christian life when you think about a lifetime of trying to follow him? Just follow him today. 

Are you anxious an upcoming doctor’s visit? Make good choices today and relish what opportunities you have been given to show Jesus to the world. Are you afraid of our economic future? Count your blessings today and put your trust in the one who richly blesses us with all things. 

Our Father knows we worry about so many things. That is why he repeats over and over, “Don’t worry. Don’t be anxious. Be strong and courageous and do not be afraid.” 

While we are busy looking over into tomorrow to see all of the problems that may be looming, let’s not forget to see the One who can solve every problem. He is here with you today to see you through all of your trials. And he is in every tomorrow, just waiting to see you through another day.

Don’t worry. God’s got this.

Patrick Morrison is minister of Curry Church of Christ.

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