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Sunday, March 9, 2025

God laughed

By Kasey Spradlin, Argo First Baptist Church

In our life, my husband and I have faced many difficult situations and times of pronounced uncertainty.  We have been gripped with fear as our faith has been tested. With each trial that we endured, we gleaned from the scriptures and meditated on them, especially Luke 1:37. This verse has carried us through each and every time man has said, “it is impossible.” 

When my husband and I first got married, we knew we wanted a big family. With the arrival of our first born, however, we were thrust into an unwanted nightmare. With the many complications that I suffered, the doctor told us that Jeffrey would be an only child. After being delivered devasting news, my husband and I were reeling in the aftermath from this report. Though we may have been shocked, we were never shattered. For with God nothing will be impossible.  God smiled and said, “Watch what I will do.”

Four years later, after much prayer, our second son was born. We were quite elated that there were no complications and we had a healthy baby boy. Within the first year, our son had been given a diagnosis. He had no peripheral vision on one side. The doctor’s prognosis was that he would have to learn to compensate for that one side and he also stated that he would likely be unable to play sports. Though we may have been shocked, we were never shattered. God chuckled and said, “Watch what I will do.” Throughout his life, Jack played what seemed like every sport and at a high level.  Jackson’s coaches, including high school and college coaches, have all said the same thing about him. He has great field vision and instinct.  For with God nothing will be impossible.

Soon after Jackson, we were blessed with twins. After praying for a girl, God saw it fit to answer our prayers and He also gave us a beautiful baby boy along with her. The family I longed and prayed for was finally complete. Within hours of her being born, Brooklyn was put on a ventilator. We would soon find out that Brooklyn would be diagnosed with mild Celebral palsy. Once again, we met with doctors that told us she may never walk. Though we may have been shocked, we were never shattered.  God laughed and said, “Watch what I will do.” Brooklyn started walking two weeks after we were told she wouldn’t. She has been able to overcome many obstacles in her life thus far. For with God nothing will be impossible.

Our twins were born at only 31 weeks gestation. Brooklyn had already been put on a ventilator, when then learned that Brady was having trouble with his heart. Yet again, a doctor came in to talk to us. He told us that our baby was going to be weak and would always be tiny. God really laughed and said, “Watch what I will do.” Today, Brady stands tall at six foot and four inches. For with God nothing is impossible. 

Through the power of God and faith in our Lord Jesus, we were able to take the word impossible and turn it into “I’m possible.” If you will allow Jesus to do the same in your life, you too, can give impossible a new name.

Kasey Spradlin is the pastor’s wife at Argo First Baptist Church. She is involved in many area of the church’s ministry.

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