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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Who I want to be

By Kasey Spradlin, Argo First Baptist Church

There are many amazing and inspirational examples of great men and women in the Bible. Their stories teach us how to have faith in varying challenges and tribulations.

We can reflect on the patience of Moses as he led a hopeless and complaining group of people through the wilderness for forty years. We can meditate on the endurance of Noah as he spent many, many years building an ark at the ridicule and mockery of others. We can ponder the courage of Esther as she went to the king, risking her own life to save the lives of God’s people. We can admire David who was a man after God’s own heart. Another great example is Job, who persevered through some of the most dreadful circumstances such as the loss of his children and health, yet he never waivered in his faith. All of these men and women have influenced me and I try to model my life after them. 

We have some very inspirational people that attend our church that are great examples of God’s love and goodness. One such blessing is Jim Powell, or Jim Tom as we so affectionately call him. He doesn’t have an enemy. Everyone is his friend. He doesn’t care what you look like, clothes you wear, car you drive, or type of home you live in. He loves everyone intentionally and without fault. If only we could all just love like Jim Tom what a wonderful world it would be!

Another wonderful example of God’s goodness is James Isom. He has Down syndrome and is always sure to tell everyone that he has, “Jesus in his heart.” He may be 50+ years old but he will quickly tell you he’s, “18 and Alabama never loses.” He is also very quick to pray for you. How sweet it is to hear the prayers of those that love the Lord. We may not always understand every word that James says but rest assured, Jesus does. If only we could all just have Jesus in our hearts like James what a wonderful world it would be!

One of the sweetest and most inspirational examples of God is Caden Thompson. Born at only 25 weeks gestation, he truly is a miracle and exemplifies John 9:1-3. Caden, also nicknamed Little Deacon, loves church and his church family. He is our honorary worship leader. He loves music and being able to choose some of the worship songs during service. After church is over, several people stay to play and sing with Caden. When it’s time to leave, his response is always the same, “Just one more song.” If only we could all take time for just one more “I love you,” one more kind word, one more visit, one more hug, one more kiss, or one more song just like Caden, what a wonderful world it would be. 

I want to be like these examples from the Bible by illuminating faith, patience, perseverance, courage, and being one after God’s own heart. I also want to be like Jim Tom, James and Caden.  I want to be someone that never judges others based on their appearance. I want to be someone that speaks without any prejudice. I want to be someone that helps and serves without ever wanting anything in return. I want to be someone that loves intentionally. I want to be someone that sees the good in people and not the bad. Jim Tom, James, and Caden don’t have to have a spotlight. They shine from within. 

As we waste our breath complaining about life, someone is out there breathing their last breath. Today will never come again. Be a blessing. Be a friend. Encourage someone. Take time to care. I want to be someone that makes others smile. I want to be someone like Jim Tom, James, and Caden. Who I want to be is a reflection of my heavenly Father.

Kasey Spradlin is the pastor’s wife at Argo First Baptist Church. She is involved in many area of the church’s ministry.

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