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Friday, February 14, 2025

Life 101: Every day is a school day

My wife Jilda and I wrote a song with our friend Tracy Reynolds called Life 101.  In the chorus it says “ sometimes you get the test, before the lesson.”   I was reminded this week just how true those words are.

I’m planning foundation work on the barn and old storage shed so I bought a spiffy new concrete mixer.  On the way home I also bought four 80 pound bags of concrete.

I almost busted a gut loading the bags so I fetched a wheelbarrow for the unloading job.

The old wheelbarrow has a flat so I used the new one, a combination wheelbarrow and cart.  It’s designed with two wheels in front and a single bar handle across the back so you can pull or push.  It was perfect.

I positioned it at the back of the truck and hoisted the first bag off the truck and dropped it into the wheelbarrow.

I didn’t take physics in school, my wife on the other hand is a science geek.  If I had been I would have understood things like gravity, force, balance and Newton’s Third Law of Motion, “ To every action there is and equal and opposite reaction. The action and reaction act on two different bodies simultaneously.”

Having missed those costly lessons as soon as I dropped that 80 pounds into the front of that wheelbarrow, the front plunged downward, the handle sprang up and whacked my nose so hard I saw stars.

I immediately sat down thought about liberty, life and the pursuit of knowledge and shake the stars out of my head.

Thankfully none of the neighbors had seen anything.  But soon I was dealing with pain, nosebleed, and the possibility of two black eyes.  I learned something valuable.  Jilda or anyone could have told me a thousand times to be careful when loading heavy objects but I would not have listened.  Getting hit brought that lesson home.

I can promise this, I will be very careful when loading heavy objects in the future because….”every day is a school day, no matter how old you are, sometimes the test comes before the lesson, welcome to Life 101.”

Rick Watson
Rick Watson
Rick Watson was a beloved member of the Walker County community, especially in east Walker County. His “Life 101” column was almost always written from the peacefulness of his 12-acre farm in the Empire community. His work focused on observing the joys of rural life.

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